Thursday, March 12, 2009

Q5 Comedian: Friend or Foe

This is a character that is truly dastardly and yet he gains some sympathy from the other characters in both the GN and the movie. What were peoples thoughts about him and his work?


Nic said...

I think he was amoral. He was vicious and selfish, but he knew it and that seemed to be redeeming in some way. He had no illusions about himself or what he did and yet knowing what Adrian planned to do broke him. I don't know if it's right, but I liked him more than Veidt. Even if he was a bastard.

detecktive said...

I agree. Veidt was a total elitist, arrogant bastard in the movie.

The Comedian was bad. Very bad. But I felt he was much more dastardly in the GN. Don't really know why.

detecktive said...

I also found it interesting that he repeatedly used the phrase 'mother, forgive me'. Is this just a catch phrase, or do you think this is him asking for redemption for his actions?

Nic said...

I can't remember - did he do that in the GN?

I think he might be looking for forgiveness - having seen the worst a person can do in the name of the "greater good", do you think it made him reflect on the things he had done wrong in his life?

detecktive said...

I checked back, he does do it in the GN, when he is drunk and speaking to Moloch, revealing what he has seen.