Thursday, March 18, 2010

Testing testing testing 1...2...3...

Hi folks,

So the Bookclub has kind of slumped, but 2 people have asked me about it in the last couple of weeks, so I'm using this post as a testing ground:

1) Who's out there?
2) Want to keep going?

Please reply in the comments, even if you have previously been following along but not commenting. I know the blog has maybe been a bit intimidating for people, we are open to comments, suggestions, criticisms and options, leave 'em below!


The Book Byte Gnome


PJ said...

I'm here!! I would like to keep going!

Everyone out there, don't be intimidated. Just read my posts and you will see you hardly need to be intellectual!!!!

Gem said...

Haha PJ! I do feel the same way sometimes. I'd like to keep going even though there are some months where I'm not able to read anything, I still check the blog to see what's happening and I read the posts to get an idea of what to read when I next have the time to read. :)

goswans said...

I have been slack the last couple of months but i am definitely still in!!

Bec said...

I'm still keen, I might even blog a bit more this year. However, please can we have a break from zombies, vampires and other strange creatures for a while please!

爱书 said...

me, me, me, me. I'm in

I like the challenge

although if I have to read too many 'serious' books my head may implode