Saturday, April 24, 2010

How about a catch-up.... talk about all things Guernsey?

I'm proposing pizza, thai or just coffee and cake at Erina one evening in the first week of May. Will that suit? If so, which evening?


PJ said...

For me, Monday, Thursday or Friday of that week would be best but I'm easy.

Nic said...

erm...probably should have mentioned that I can't do Monday!

Also, open to everyone, not just people who have read the book - it's been a while since we had a catch-up and we never end up talking about the book in question for long!

Bec said...

I'm easy too!

goswans said...

I'm in - I can't do Monday either but rest of week is fine with me!

bookworm said...

Friday works best for me too!!

Nic said...

How about Friday then? Dinner or just coffee and cake?

PJ said...

See you Friday!

goswans said...

I'm in for friday too!!